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The ordinary general meeting of the APCAV will be held on Tuesday 27th December 2022 at 4 pm at W-Hotel Verbier. Messrs. Christophe Maret, President of the Municipality of Bagnes, Laurent Vaucher, CEO of Téléverbier SA, Florian Michellod, President of the Verbier Development Company and Simon Wiget, Director of Verbier Tourisme, will be present to update you on various ongoing projects and to answer your questions.

An aperitif will be served at the end of the meeting on the Place Blanche, at the Pop W Off Piste.

To help us organize the meeting, especially to have a sufficient number of headsets for simultaneous translation, please confirm your participation in the following email address:

Or by phone to the Fiduciare de Verbier at 027 771 60 31.

We look forward to seeing you at this meeting. Please do bring your friends and neighbors who are not yet APCAV members and who might be interested in joining APCAV.
